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上海实施垃圾强制分类 "垃圾分类"用英语咋说?

发布时间:2019-07-15 | 发布者: 东东工作室 | 浏览次数:

Shanghai enacted a set of regulations on household garbage sorting and recycling from Monday, which requires residents to sort household garbage into four kinds: dry refuse, wet trash, recyclable waste and hazardous waste. Individuals who fail to sort garbage may be fined up to 200 yuan.


On Monday, the city's law enforcement departments have issued a total of 623 rectification notices for violating the regulations.?


The city aims to have trash sorting programs in all of its residential neighborhoods by 2020.?


As Shanghai started mandatory garbage sorting, games and toys that explore fun ways to spread garbage sorting knowhow went viral on Chinese social media.


转载请标注:我爱技术网——上海实施垃圾强制分类 "垃圾分类"用英语咋说?